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Ways to Reduce the bounce rate website

5 Ways to Reduce the Bounce Rate of your Website

Bounce rates are considered to be the darker side of owning a website as a high recoil rate leaves a negative impact on the image of your company. Bounce rates vary from website to website, but an average bounce rate estimated by KissMetrics is 40.5%. Different websites belonging to diverse fields are seen with the […]

Holiday season marketing techniques

6 Ways to Market your Small Business during the Holiday Season

Holidays are the best time of the year for the owners of small businesses to put themselves on the maps of the shopping world and come shoulder to shoulder with the other top leading businesses. Most of the brands do not celebrate the festivals of the holiday season, but customers surely do. Make sure to […]

The Secret of a good promotion: What sells

The blue prints for any marketing campaign are essentially the four P’s; Product, Price, Promotion and Place. All four are very important in order to insure a successful and fruitful marketing strategy. However, one of the four P’s stands out more than the others. Promotion, is the key behind any product, it can either make […]

Micro-managing can be dangerous: Let the experts handle it

Are you a control freak? Well that could be a good thing, because you should know all the ins and outs of your business. However trying to manage and control everything can sometimes also lead to mistakes. Mistakes that a startup and even a well groomed business cannot afford, and can become the reason for […]


Why a simple app design can revolutionize ROI

Do you like things done simply? Well, I sure do. In fact, people all around the world love to do things simply. Complexity is always cruel to the mind when it comes to app design. It is perhaps the one reason why your app users deviate from your application and move on to your competitors. […]


Choosing A Web Design That Is Lean And Mean For Top Results

Like other trends, web design trends come and goes during the time. Changes in these web design trends are tied with the changing Google technology and rules. Online presence is not the only focus for companies. Other elements like layout, colors, and fonts are also important for your website to achieve results. Many web design […]


Web Design Services In Dallas Provides You More Than Just A Website

Even though a beautifully designed and functional website proves to be a crucial component in any online marketing strategy. No matter how good, bold or user-friendly your web design is, it’s just the beginning of your online strategy. Online marketing isn’t a new thing for businesses, in fact, it has been here for quite a […]


5 Key Considerations For Your Mobile Web Design Strategies

It’s a known fact that the web has gone mobile now, and there is no stopping it. People are accessing the web from every place and every device. This affects both the designers and website owners, they must address a mobile strategy in all their web design project. Richa Jain says, “In the last 3 […]